Course 1 – Conscious, Creative, Connected Parent
Course overview: (8 x 1 hour sessions online )
- Understanding power dynamics within relationships – specifically focusing on healing and understanding your own triggers as a parent
- A focus on the Cognitive development of the brain and stages of self-regulatory development. – Understanding the age appropriate behaviour of our children and ourselves
- Emotions and how do we parent it.
- Touching on personalities in the family unit
- Communication skills
- Discipline – How to set boundaries with Conscious, Creative and Connected methods.
During the course focus will not only be on developing a sustainable relationship with your child, but also reassessing and strengthening yourself as the parent.
Course includes all course materials and a certificate of completion
Price: R1500.00 per family. (Payment options available)
Course 2 – Finding Feelings – Teaching empathy to our children
Course overview: (8 x 1 hour sessions online)
- Empathy Games to play with your child
- How do we teach Empathy to our children
- Empathetic parenting
- Developing empathetic communication skills and actions for the whole household
This course is ideally for parents whose children is in the age range 6 to 11 years of age. The first two sessions will focus on Empathetic parenting, the next 6 sessions will focus on teaching your child about empathy with a variety of games, conversations and actions the parent can practically implement into their home.
Course includes all course materials in the form of a PDF pack and a certificate of upon completion of the course.
Price: R1500.00 per family. (Payment options available)
Workshop – Ages 0 to 3
Workshop overview (2.5 hours)
- Brain development – What we need to know
- Creating “yes” space
- Emotional balance for both parents and children
- Connection even when words fail
Price: R 550 per family
Workshop includes all materials and Certificate of completion
Workshop – Ages 3 to 7
Workshop overview (2.5 hours)
- Developmental leaps
- Managing boundaries
- Back chatting
- Awkward questions
- Reality vs experience
Price: R550.00 per family
Workshop includes all materials and Certificate of completion
Workshop – Ages 7 to 13 years
Workshop overview (2.5 hours)
- Brain development and age appropriate behaviour
- Cooperative discipline and rules
- Puberty – Preparation for our kids and ourselves
Price: R550.00 per family
Workshop includes all materials and Certificate of completion
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